Hillsborough Chapter

Inspiring professional growth…one paralegal at a time. ®

Welcome to Hillsborough Chapter

Welcome to the Paralegal Association of Florida, Inc., Hillsborough County Chapter. 

At this time, all of our events (CLE's and Board Meetings) will be conducted using a vitrual platform.

Our Chapter strives to promote professional growth, education and networking through our monthly luncheons where we have outstanding speakers in the legal community, including attorneys and judges, present current legal topics and information to assist you in your legal career.

We invite you to become a member of the Hillsborough County Chapter. You may also reach me at the email provided below with any questions. 

Please check our Chapter Calendar for updated information as to CLE’s, Networking Events and Board Meetings.

For more information, please email [email protected]

Dini Maharaj, President of PAF - Hillsborough Chapter 
[email protected]  

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Chapter Events

There are no events at this time.